Tip Of the Day #TOD
Range of Motion:
Good morning. Today's tip is about Range of Motion which is the amount of movement around a joint. Example. When we were babies, we could put our toes in our mouth. Most of us would not be able to do that today. Somewhere along the way you lost the Range of Motion in your hip joint. This could be due to skeletal misalignment, tight muscles and even arthritis. The will affect the way you can do an exercise which in turn robs you of some results. So how do we fix that.
1. Stay hydrated to give you muscle some elasticity
2. Exercise to allow the spinal discs to hydrate with movement and rid arthritis
3. Stretch after you exercise. It would also be beneficial to jump into a yoga class at least 2-4 times per month to help keep your muscles balanced and increase the range of motion for all your joints.
Have a great day!