Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Holiday Weight Loss Tips

#mdfitness #fitness #weightloss #fatloss #holidaystress #morevegetables #speedupyourmetabolism

Sunday, November 1, 2015

MD Fitness - FitRanX in Newbury Park www.mdfitness.biz/#!FitRanX-805/cx4r

itRanX 2 Weeks for $99
Monday November 9th 
Register Today! https://www.facebook.com/805.MD.Fitness/  
 What is FitRanX? That’s a question I get a lot. FitRanX is the revolutionary way to get in shape and stay motivated. This system allow you to have an abundance of short term fitness goals as you work your way through the ranks. The Ranks? You may say. What are the ranks?  FitRanX is a a fitness ranking system used all around the world. It’s a standardized fitness ranking system used for gauging your fitness level. This is not a system based on how long you’ve been in a gym or how much your trainer thinks you have improved. This is a Real Ranking System and it took years to develop and perfect. FitRanX works through fitness testing. There are 8 levels with corresponding colors that represent each level. You can think of it like a Martial Arts Belt Ranking but, instead of wearing your different color belt as you work your way through the ranking. You wear your different color ranks band. So in order to progress from one level to the next you must participate in a fitness test that uses specific exercises to determine strength within the exercises respective muscle groups. There’s also a conditioning portion required for each level’s advancement.
       Now you may be thinking is this program for athletes or for people already in shape? The answer is no. The system was designed to be perfect for someone who has never been in the gym. A lot of gyms and programs out there today cater to more to the people that have been working out and are already in good shape. Not here at FitRanX. This fitness system is meant for all fitness levels and age groups. With this ranking system, it seriously decreases the rate of injury because we work with you at your own pace from level 1 all the way up to the coveted level 8. We also have three different age brackets for testing. So if you were thinking this system is only for the yougins’, okay your wrong. We have clients in their 70’s still working their way through the ranks.
       Now don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about our athletes out there. For all of you out there that have their competitive side, this ranking system is perfect for you. Yes you must start out at level 1 but you can progress the system a little faster and be competing against other fit rankers from all around the world. You can see where you rank on a worldwide ranking database.
       Before I go let’s go over some of the reasons so many people are loving the FitRanX  system.
#1 It keeps you motivated no more having to gauge your scale on what the scale says. As you work your way through the ranks the weight is just going to fall off.
#2 The system give you an abundance of short term goals to reach.
#3 The Testing Days develop so much positive energy that everyone wants to be a part of it.
#4 Without ever changing workouts you will never get bored.
#5 Once you join your part of a team. Everyone helps each other reach their true potential.  And last but not least, FitRanX gets you results! Because, in the end that’s what we are here for. So, if you’re ready to join the revolution go ahead and come to the boot camp : )        
Group Classes are on Monday,Wednesday and Thursday at 8am in Newbury Park Ca just accross from Pepper Tree Park. To reserve your introductory discount and a spot please fill out and submit the form below!
Check out the FitRanX Demo Video!!! 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

What is the best way to lose weight in a toxic era?

What is the best way to lose weight in a toxic era?

Hi there everyone, my name is Coach Diaz and I am hoping to shed some light on here as well as finding what I missed. We can combine our knowledge and throw out what seems useless to and keep what works(not always logical!). Here our the 7 Toxic areas of concentration.

Toxic 1 - Air
Toxic 2 - Water
Toxic 3 - Food
Toxic 4 - Skin Products
Toxic 5 - Oral Products
Toxic 6 - Medicine
Toxic 7 - Environment
Toxic 8 - Stress

Toxic 1 Air. This is the fastest way to die, is without air. Air purifiers are okay but it's not like we get to carry them with us throughout our entire day. It's  good to have one at your home and office or often visited location to create some safe zones. 
Now I have found one machine that really takes care of the first 6 areas.It filters your water so it detoxifies us from the inside when we consume it. The Toxic AIR brought in through our lungs to the blood stream can now be combated. Air contains oxygen as does water. So if we drink the water we can also get oxygen into our body.  

Now for Toxic 2 Water. Now this is pretty simple this machine filters out the bad stuff and adds, calcium, magnesium and electrolytes. I lost 27 pounds in 2 months drinking a gallon of this filtered water per day. The cool thing is you cannot drink yourself to death due to its electrolytes (without the sugar like sports drinks). This water has been know to aid Athletes in recovery time, healing, energy, stronger bones and a cleared mind as well as becoming more in tune with our body as the toxins get flushed and the signal receptors and receiver and communicating as a more optimal level. 

Toxic 3 Food, Oh man, where to being. Okay if you can grow your own fruits,vegetable and livestock great, keep it organic. If you unable to have a small farm or ranch then the next best thing is buy organic and all natural foods when possible. The farmers market is a good spot just make sure you talk to them and ask if it's organic or not. Be careful some will say No pesticides or insecticides, which is great but didn't answer the question to its entirety, is it genetically enhanced or modified?
So good news, you can soak your fruits and vegetable in this filtered water to rid those chemical and crap. 

Toxic 4 Skin Products and/or anything that we put in our hair, scalp, nails. This water filter also has a beauty water setting to target the outside skin surface where when consumed helps the skin, our largest living organism, to regain some elasticity. 

Toxic 5 Oral products like mouthwash, toothpaste etc., can also be deal with consuming the filtered water to rid the toxin like propylene glycol.

Toxic 6 Medicine, pills, pills, pills. These are chemical based. No wonder there are so many side effects because you never know what chemical are currently residing in the body then you throw in some more chemical in your system and yeah, of course your going to have a chemical reaction. Like alka-seltzer in water right, instant chemical reaction. 

Toxic 7 Environment, this can be noise, something unappealing to the eyes, nose, ears, clutter and unorganization I am guilty and have worked on it. I used to always get in a panic when I have to leave the house and am unable to find my keys. Sooo, I made a designated spot for them and when I walk unless I hang them right up with my sunglasses and visor. Now this is no new invention but when put to use feels like one!

Toxic 8 Stress, this can be anything and everything that gets on your nerves. This can tighten up your muscles and give you headaches or anxiety. Prolonged stress can give you ulcers. Not  pretty site. So I found Sports Yoga, breathing and watching a comedy movie with headphones works for me. The less stress you are the more pleasant it will be to be around you. Look at some pictures or good times you had. Some like massage which I find beneficial if I can sleep right after instead of jumping in my car somewhat aloof and have an jerk late for something on my tail honking : )

Anything you can add or discuss I am down for it....